Thursday, July 17, 2008

Star Plots: Allows the comparison of multiple data units for each group. The variable frequencies for each group are plotted as radii from the center.

Correlation Matrix: Shows any correlation between any pairs of data sets.

Similarity Matrix: any group of data units plotted on the x and y planes with points marked where any two data units are similar.

Stem and Leaf Plot: The numbers in the column to the left of the bar are the stem and are added to the numbers in the columns to the right of the bar to complete the data.
Box Plot: boxplots can be used to display differences between populations without making any assumptions about the underlying statistical distribution.

Histogram: A graph that uses vertical or horizontal columns to display the frequency of some variable.

Parallel Coordinate Graph: Each variable is graphed on a vertical axis. A data element is plotted as a connected set of points, one on each axis. It can be used to explore relationships among variables.